Mr. Marlowe.
Oh, mr. Marlowe.
You're here about
some kind of a story, aren't you?
Yeah. I got a letter
about it from somebody named a. Fromsett.
I'm a. Fromsett.
Adrienne fromsett, to be precise.
Won't you sit down?
Let me see.
I had your story-
you still have it.
It's underneath
the magazine there on the desk.
Oh. Thank you.
"If i should die
before i live"-
that's a nice title-
"by phillip marlowe"-
nice name.
Tell me, mr. Marlowe,
have you done much writing before?
That much.
Really? You do very well
for a beginner.
Well, it's based on
an authentic case.
Is it really?
Of course, we get
hundreds of authentic
cases submitted to us every week.
Why don't you
print a few?
They aren't all
as emotional as yours.
Thank you.
Besides, you see,
people who write
usually don't know the facts,
and people
who know the facts usually can't write.
has very little to do with it.
If people who read our
magazines knew the facts of life, mr. Marlowe,
they wouldn't be reading
our magazines.
Oh, mr. Marlowe.
Thank you.
Have you been marooned on a desert island,
or do you just
find it difficult to concentrate?
A little of both.
In that case, i must be losing my touch.
You see, editorial work
is so unglamorous. Sometimes-
do you
run this business all by yourself?
No. Mr. Derrace kingsby
is president of the company.
I am his
principal assistant.
Tell me, mr. Marlowe,
are there really
detectives like the one in your story,
who never lie, cheat,
or double-cross a client,
who are loyal, honest,
never betray a confidence?
Yeah, there are
a couple of dopes like that.