How good. Then your story
is autobiographical.
You were writing
about yourself.
You don't
really want to buy my story,
do you,
miss fromsett?
I was about
to offer you $200 for it.
Oh, no,
you weren't.
Why don't you
quit being cute, miss fromsett?
The real reason
you had me up here
is because
you're looking for a smooth operator
who keeps
his mouth shut,
and when you read
the story,
you said, "yeah,
that's my boy.
He's dumb,
he's brave, and he's cheap." am i right?
Well, i... i was
about to offer you a commission
on a rather delicate
and confidential matter.
Then why didn't you
pick up the telephone and call me
instead of all
this mickey mouse about a story?
What i want you
to do is this-
i want you to find
mr. Kingsby's wife
without his knowing
you're looking for her.
She's run off
with another man.
She's a vicious woman,
a liar, a cheat, and a thief.
She may even
end up in the hands of the police.
He's had 10 years-
pardon me
if i'm nosey, miss fromsett.
What makes this any
of your business?
I handle all of
mr. Kingsby's affairs.
He wishes to divorce her.
She must be found
before she can be served with the papers.
Nice job
you have here.
You think i'm pretty
cold-blooded about this, don't you?
I'd have used
a shorter word.
I don't like
your manner.
I'm not selling it.
I'm not selling
the story either to you.
I'm not
selling anything. I have an allergy
against getting
mixed up with tricky females
who want
to knock off the boss' wife
and marry him
for themselves.
People don't
talk to me like that.
Maybe that's
what's the matter with you-
somebody should
talk to you like that sometimes.
I'm leaving for the day,
adrienne. Is there anything i can do?
Come in, derrie.
I'd like you to meet phillip marlowe.
Mr. Marlowe and i
have been having a little talk
about a story
he sent in.
This is mr. Derrace kingsby,
president of our company.
Marlowe: Hi.
It's always nice
to see one of our writers.
Up to this point, derrie,
mr. Marlowe isn't one of our writers.
He has just violently
and indignantly
turned down an offer
of $200 for his story.