Lady in the Lake

Kingsby? Don't tell me
he's down to hiring private detectives.

I just wouldn't
believe it.

It's pretty far
down, isn't it?

Well, sir, i didn't
mean to insult your profession-

we're getting along
just fine. How about going inside,

or doesn't
southern hospitality extend that far?

Pardon me, sir.
You come right on in.

My, my.
Cozy little place you've got here.

Lavery, why don't
you tell me where mrs. Kingsby is?

That way i won't
be bothering you.

Mrs. Kingsby? Crystal?
Why, i haven't seen her in a month of sundays.

And i've never been
to el paso in my life

if that's what you were
going to ask me next.

Oh, you know about
the telegram, eh?

Why, yes, sir.
Miss adrienne told me.

Miss adrienne did,
did she?

I'm afraid i must
warn you, miss adrienne likes to romanticize.

Anything she may have told
you about me, you must take with a grain of salt.

Crystal kingsby's
been gone a month.

That telegram's
the only trace,

and if that doesn't
mean anything-

not as far
as i'm concerned it doesn't, sir.

Well, then, there's
nothing to do but go to the cops.

For some reason,
i don't think mr. Kingsby would do that.

He might have to
to protect himself

in case
anything's happened to his wife.

I'd like to know
what kind of a thing

do you think could
have happened to her.

Crystal kingsby
has money.

Once in a while
boys like you

have to make it
the hard way.

You offend me, sir.
I'm truly shocked.

Why not loosen up
and save yourself a lot of trouble?

You know
plenty about crystal kingsby.

Mr. Marlowe,
a gentleman never speaks disrespectfully of a lady,

not even one as lovely
as mrs. Kingsby was.

Did you say "was"?
Oh, it must have been
a slip of my tongue.

But to the point,
lovely as mrs. Kingsby " is,

gracious as she is,
charming as she is,

i don't hanker
for any part of her,

not for all the money
in the world.

And if my humble opinion
is of any value to you,

the little lady
may have sent that wire for just that reason-

to embrangle me
as badly as she could.

"Embrangle you"?
What does that mean?

Oh, yes. I forgot.
You're a yankee.
You wouldn't understand.

I don't think
her little scheme is going to work.
