Lady in the Lake

You're a great help.
Monkeying around
down here on some case, aren't you?

and my client slugged me,

carried me out
and put me in my car, ran it over a curb,

poured whiskey on me,
and then went somewhere to call the police

and report a drunk driver.
Maybe it wasn't
a client.

You're right. It was a boy
in gray named chris lavery, a southern gentleman.

Who also happens
to be a resident of bay city.

You know, we ain't
especially partial to private cops down here.

We don't like them
molesting our citizens.

So i molested him? Fine!
Lovely city. Remind me to move here.

I see him on business,
get almost killed,

and now i'm charged
with molesting him.

You say you're
down here on business.

That's what
i thought.

Who's your client,

I don't reveal
my clients' names.

Well, that's very
noble of you, i'm sure,

but you happen to be
talking to the police.

Whether i'm talking
to the cops or anybody else,

the names of my clients
are their business. It's confidential.

If it wasn't,
i wouldn't have any clients.

Or they wouldn't give it
to you, but it doesn't give you the right

to start trouble
in my district

without letting me in
on what you're after.

Anytime you do,
you'll find yourself in a bad jam.

A lot worse
than this one.

All right, degarmot.
Just don't forget what i said.

Me, i don't like
certain kinds of private dicks.

I never did.
Never met one yet that wasn't a crook,

anytime, anyplace.
I've heard of people
that don't like certain kinds of cops.

It seems impossible,
doesn't it?

How'd you
get in here without being announced?

Marlowe: I told
that girl outside it was an emergency.

You look
like an emergency.

Well, it's
an old sickness- reoccurring black eyes.

Looks like
that big ring lavery wears.

Yeah, he wore 5
of them. You know all about him, don't you?

"Come on in, mr. Marlowe,
sir. Have a mint julep, sir." yak, yak, yak.
