For you, mrs. Bromley,
and a merry christmas.
Mrs. Bromley:
Thank you.
And now-oh, charlie.
A present from santa claus.
And a very merry-
Who invited him?
Adrienne: I did.
Marlowe: Full
of the christmas spirit, aren't you, mr. Kingsby?
This is a private party
for my staff and my writers and my artists.
You don't look
very frostbitten.
What are you
talking about?
Who's the present
for, snowman?
You, sweetheart,
and you're going to love it.
Can we be alone?
Oh, by all means.
Go somewhere and be alone, you two.
Use my office,
and if you need anything, just ring.
Thanks, santa claus.
What is this?
How did you get back
from the lake so soon?
Fast dog team.
You seem to forget
my position around here.
You couldn't have made
more of a scene out there.
I hired you. You're to
report to me confidentially.
Yes, and i'm loving
every minute of it.
What's in the package?
Why don't you open it?
I've been
looking for you, miss fromsett.
Yes, buster?
Well, this
is christmastime, miss fromsett,
and, well, i've
been working here for almost a year now,
and, well, would you
think i was awful if i asked you for a kiss?
Why, i...
marlowe: Go on, kiss him.
You're full of charity.
Thank you,
miss fromsett.
I've waited
all year for that.
You've had
your christmas, son.
Beat it.
And tell your boss not to send a boy in
to do a man's work.
Whose is it?
Lavery's dead.