Surely you don't
believe my wife had anything to do with this.
What i believe has
nothing to do with it.
Here's a gun that can be
identified and traced.
It's got a serial
number on it. It's...
but maybe a woman
didn't do it.
Maybe it was arranged
to look that way.
Maybe you did it,
mr. Kingsby.
Don't be an idiot.
I don't go around shooting people.
i have no motive.
The police would say
But let's get back
to the woman angle.
Did crystal own a gun
or didn't she?
Well, i...
i don't know.
But i found a dead man,
and i've got the gun that killed him,
and i was seen in
that house by the owner.
what do you propose
to do, mr. Marlowe?
Put that right back
where i found it
and then call the law and wait
for them to come.
What else can i do?
Would $1,000
make you change your mind?
Ah! So mrs. Kingsby
does have a gun.
Does it look
like that?
Yes, but that
$1,000 offer-
don't think i'm
too proud to take it.
I'm just too smart
to get stuck with it.
Well, then
the situation just has to be accepted.
One thing you might
bear in mind, mr. Kingsby.
The bay city cops are
going to come up here and talk to you.
That will be the first
you've heard of all this.
You better remember that.
To protect you?
Or you.
Or miss fromsett.
I'll tell the police
anything they want to know.
And as for you,
i don't know what you're doing in this,
but if you think you're
going to harm crystal, you're very much mistaken.
And please
understand this clearly:
If i've ever said
anything endearing to you, miss fromsett,
it was because
i was lonely,
and i don't ever
intend to say anything endearing to you again...
now or anytime.
So you lost me
my million dollars.
Aren't you smart?
You forced a showdown
with him deliberately.
Now what am i supposed
to do, reform?
Become poor but honest?
On what corner
would you like me to beat my tambourine?