Not from me Miss, l´m Milton,
Mr. Fleming´s agent...
...looking for beautiful girls
Ten a week and bonuses
There´s an audition Monday at 9
l´ll be there at 9 a.m. sharp
Not in the morning, this evening
Who´s seen Mr. Fleming...
...up at 9 in the morning?
Look, an agent for a Night Club!
l´m not interested, tonight l´m
meeting my blue eyes and l´ll say...
...good bye to this for good
What are you talking about?
A man, he is so handsome
l´m going away with him
Who´s he?
His name is John and he comes from
a very distinguished family
Who´s the lucky girl this time?
Me? Don´t be jealous
There we go, 6 pennies
- Still alone sweetheart?
Let´s dance darling
You must be the most beautiful girl
in the old place, the minute I laid...
...my eyes on you I said to myself,
Oswald, that´s my name, that´s the...
...most beautiful girl in the old
You´re a little cold, should we
get a little warmer?
Lucy, that John, where is he from?
Who are you dancing with,
with me or with your friend?
Shut up! Where did you meet him?
In the personal column
Lucy not like this, it´s dangerous
Not when I have my precious little
friend to protect me
Elephants encircle her smooth
white arm
Professor, l´ve read this poem to
satiety. I had the best...
...cryptographs of London checking
for any kind of code
l´d be surprised if they found it
Whatever the criminal reveals in...
...those poems
it would be against his will
Subconscious, nothing simple
Inspector, l´m glad to say that l´ve
been able to identify the style
Do you know anything about him?
Is he truly a poet?