Yes, I have it right here
It was on her dressing table
Refined gentleman means friendship
with attractive young girl
Enclose photograph, intention
marriage BOX 477
Tell me Miss. Carpenter
What kind of a girl was...
...Miss. Barnard?
Just a nice kid. Not too smart
but not too dumb. The kind of girl...
...that falls over a smooth line
She believed no harm could get her...
...because she wore good luck charms
Some silly little white elephants
Did you say elephants?
Around her wrist on a bracelet?
How did you know?
A girl by the name Arlette
disappeared about a year ago
Yes, a few days before she
disappeared we received this poem
´Smile your last sweet fragile smile
Arlette, but when the roses fade...
...the north wind whispers
are you ready yet?´
This one we received last December
´Move quickly to rendezvous...
...my loving Louis. But,
what if the gate is locked?
Your lover has the key´
The very next day her parents notified...
...notified us that she had
disappeared that night
Nobody knew anything else about her
Last week we...
...received this
´Elephants encircle her...´
l´m afraid you´ll never see your
friend again
Thank you Gordons
Miss Carpenter
Would you like to help us?
There´s nothing I wouldn´t have done
How long have you been working
in that Club?
3 months
What did you do before?
I came from New York to do a show
Before the fourth night I was broke
Stand up
Would you mind raising your skirt?