have stomach trouble
You have a ring on your left little...
finger, a watch chain with
a gold pendant
And you try to be hard but you´re
really a softy
Quite. Very impressing
Did I get the job?
So, you know what l´ve been
aiming at
A female detective? Isn´t that what
you´re been testing me for?
Exactly. Our police woman are
very clever but the poet...
...we´re looking for only goes after
young beautiful girls
l´m to be the bait
In our trap. The criminal will follow
you and we´ll snap a shot.
You´ll answer every add in the
personal column for young girls
We´ll write your replies but you´ll
keep the appointments
Miss Carpenter there will be danger,
great danger. Are you afraid?
No, not yet
You´ll be well guided but if you
rather not
l´ll help, of course
Thank you Miss Carpenter
What about this one?
One of the force´s ladies is
assigned to that, sir
Did you answer this one?
I hand wrote it in
personal stationary
These are for you. Check them in
pencil. Report me regularly
Yes, sir. What if I get in a
jam, sir?
We have a man responsible for you
but don´t try to identify him
This is in case you need
more support
I hope I don´t shoot myself
You won´t, you´re on the force now
Yes sir
Good luck Sandra
Thank you sir
Nice girl
´Are you young, chic shapely and no
prude? Easy money. Room 308´
Sorry Miss but the position has
been, adequately filled
More than adequately if
you asked me
Precisely. Good day Miss