Family? No
Tonight you can make a pound
Why did you answer so fast?
You know nothing about me yet
Well, I need the money,
Mister Van Rutten...
...I have an asset
All right, come
Are you afraid like all the others
Matilda! Matilda!
She´s here. Come in, come in
We have no time to waste
Isn´t she beautiful?
Van Rutten´s figure
That´s your dressing room
Madame will assist you
If you´ll be kind enough to excuse
for a moment
...I must prepare myself
Who´s that Van Rutten, anyway?
Mademoiselle, don´t you know it?
He´s the greatest designer of Berlin
Oh, a designer!
He made this dress 25 years ago
for a princess, Royal Highness Alicia
But it was nonsense, poor thing,
he´s still living in those days