How do you know my name?
I know everything. You were a dancer
and now you work for the Police
My name is Barret, H. A. Barret
working in the force for 29 years
Why didn´t you tell me before?
I wanted to make sure you could take
what happened
That man almost killed me!
Do you think I didn´t see it all?
Didn´t I show up when you needed me?
What happened to that
horrible man?
He landed right in my arms and now
he´s with an officer at the corner
He´s crazy!
Don´t worry. Take a good rest and
you´ll be ready for the next one
I hope you´re right
But if you want to take care of
yourself Miss Carpenter...
...here is your toy
Here is yours
Thank you
That´s all right
What do you mean she´s disappeared?
Like I told you. I went back to the
Palladium but she doesn´t work there
Didn´t you find out where she went?
I got the number of her flat but
her landlady told me she left...
...two days ago taking everything
Nobody knows where she is
Maybe the poet killer got the girl
She´s one girl that can take care of
herself. She wanted a chance before
and now...
Are you coming? We shouldn´t be late
Keep searching. Find that American
girl and bring her here in person
Are you on International
affairs now?
You didn´t hear her voice. I want to
see the girl who belongs to
Now we come to article 9
- It will be very interesting to have
...you in the Board of directors
- I like the idea. It´s quite a...
...departure for an old banker
- Your investment is safe
The Club will be the best,
the most spectacular of all London
As I was saying, gentleman,
now we come to article 9, it´s...