...Martin Duval, Martin Welisshangt
Believed to be worn in Hamburg
A passport irregularity is noted
He´s left The United Kingdom 4 times
since January 7th
Very interesting. Make a note for
inspector Barret. A concert...
...8,30, Monday night
white tie and tails
Franck Shubert. Symphony
number 8 in A minor
Unfinished, unfinished?
Ticket reserved for
´Music lover´, please
Here it is Madam
Hello Julian
Since when you had become a
music enthusiast?
I thought I might find some talent
This is not a hunting ground, fellow
Do you have a seat reserved?
We´ll seat together
That way you can slap me
when l´m supposed to applause
What do you have left?
- All I have left is a box
- L´ll take them
Shubert is improving