Hey, lookie, lookie, lookie.!
This way for the monster.!
Right through here.!
Step right this way, folks.!
The show is about to begin.!
Right this way.!
Here we are.!
Folks, I must ask you to remember
that this exhibit is being presented...
solely in the interest
of education and science.
Now, this creature...
There he is! The geek!
He has puzzled the foremost scientists
of Europe and America.
Is he the missing link?
Is he man or beast?
Some have pronounced him man.
But beneath that shaggy mane of hair,
lies the brain of a beast.
lfhe should sink his teeth into my arm, nothing
on this round, green earth could save me.
Now, folks, it's feeding time.
He's on fire!
Now, folks, you haven't seen anything yet.
Step in closer, please.
The greatest demonstration of fire manipulation
the world has ever seen!
Hey. Come here.