- What's the matter?
- Well, I don't know.
Everything looks wonderful for us...
money, happiness and great success.
But there's no sign
of Pete in it.
How could he be
if he's away taking the cure?
- But there's no sign of him anywhere, dead or alive.
- Hang on.
Yeah, maybe this is Pete.
Did you knock this off the table?
- No. You must have dropped it yourself.
- I don't see how I could.
- Was it face up or down?
- Face down.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah. Why?
- Couldn't be like that.
It's too awful, it's too crazy.
- What's got into you?
- Get your bath and get out ofhere.
- What's the matter?
- It's all off, Stan.
- The act?
- Everything.
- But what have I done?
- Nothing. But I can't go against the cards.
- You don't believe in that junk?
- I didn't used to.
But time after time it told me I was gonna
ruin Pete's life, and I went right ahead.
- Here's Pete's card.
- What are you worrying about?
- Is this the one that was on the floor?
- No, this one.
You see what it means?
Are you satisfied?
Zeena, it just doesn't make sense.
Maybe not.
Maybe it's silly, maybe it isn't.
Listen, honey.
We've all gotta die sometime.
But when a card falls on the floor...
whatever happens, good or bad,
is gonna happen fast.
And when a card falls face down,
it's bad.
- That's for the chumps.
- Been true of Pete and me so far, hasn't it?
Honest, Zeena, to see a smart girl like you
fall for one of your own boob-catchers...
I give up.
Yes, sir, I give up.
- I don't believe it.
- Huh?
You never give up.
Why do you say that?
Well, I don't know.
I just have the feeling.
That's why I'm gonna keep away from you.