Comes in handy in a jam. Many's the judge
I've good-talked right out of his shirt.
Son, you can have mine right now.
Let's give Stan a big hand. We'd be
in a peck of trouble if it wasn't for him.
And I'd be in jail!
How about some beer, partner?
Oh, Bruno, cheer up.
There'll be no more trouble tonight.
- We'll open tomorrow night and pack 'em in. Won't we, boss?
- Best advertising in the world.
- Hello, Bruno.
- Where did you go? I been lookin' all over.
- She was in her truck.
- But I went in the tent and yelled my head off.
- Why didn't you answer me?
- Where did you think I was?
What are you looking at me
like that for?
- Uh-oh.
- That's what I say.
Oh, what's the diff?
She's here now, isn't she?
And by the way, Bruno, where did you run off to
when the trouble started?
You're not talking to that hayseed cop.
You're talking to Bruno. Savvy?
When you get through with him,
there's a couple questions I'd like to ask.
Molly, you and Stan
gonna get married?
Stan, you gonna marry Molly?
- You people trying to kid somebody?
- And you aren't either.
Oh, Stan,
Stan, aren't you the foxy one...
making out like you never knew
this child was on the face of the earth.
- You sure fooled me.
- He didn't fool me.
What's going on here?
Let's drink to the bride and groom.!
May all their children be acrobats.!
- You're drunk.!
- I'll give the bride away.!
That's a good idea.
Huh, Stan?
- Bruno!
- Molly, you stay out of this!
- He can't stand much more.
- I don't care. You gonna do as I say?