Nightmare Alley

I got a feeling
there was something between you.

He's a patient of mine.
Now, in regard to this feeling you have...
- psychologists admit the validity of
mental telepathy under certain... - Uh-huh.

I thought this looked like
one of those joints.

You ever been psychoanalyzed?
No. I saw one
in a murder movie once.

But a good mentalist could have straightened
the whole thing out in five minutes.

I'm sure you could have.
How did you know my mother was dead?

I didn't. I just had a feeling
that your question wasn't on the level.

I figured you were trying to make
a chump out of me. Just common sense.

It's not so common.
- I don't know about that.
- Why?

I've got that same feeling right now.
What's on your mind, lady?
What are you up to?

Don't worry, Carlisle.
I never make the same mistake twice.

Me neither.
She is? But...
I'll be through in a minute.
I'll buzz you.

We'll have to continue this
in our next.

There's a patient I'll have to see.
An emergency call.

You can go out this way.
Well, I'll be seeing you.
- When?
- I don't know yet.

- You can call me at my apartment. It's in the book.
- I may give you a ring.

Fine. I don't come to the office
on Wednesdays or Saturdays.

I heard you the first time.
How do you do,
Mrs. Peabody?

Sorry to rush in on you
like this, my dear.
