If I didn't, I can't think
of anybody else who did.
One thing's sure, Bailey
don't miss nothing.
Neither do you.
She's your girl,
and he ain't my man.
So it's no skin off my nose.
I just see what I see.
You sure you don't see what you hear?
Nothing can happen in this town
that I don't hear about it.
I'm just saying what I see.
Every day they go fishing together.
Look, the sandwich.
Two things I can smell inside 100 feet:
Burning hamburger and a romance.
You got a customer.
- What'll you have?
- Coffee.
- Nothing else?
- Cream.
- Where you been this time?
- L.A.
- Coffee?
- No, thanks.
First she's got you,
now she's got you and Bailey.
And the only thing I seem to get is older.
Thanks a lot, Marny.
I'll see you later.
I guess I must have said something.
You talked enough.
Everything people ought to know
they just don't want to hear.
That's the trouble with the world.
Either that or you're on the wrong
side of the counter.
- Tell me something.
- You don't look as though I could.
That Bailey who burns you up,
he run the gas station?
- Do you know him?
- I might have once.
If he keeps mooning around Jim's girl,
nobody'll know him...
...and that'd be too bad.
You see much of this Bailey?
Yeah, every day from here.
I often wondered what happened to him...
...then one day I'm breezing through here,
and there's his name up on a sign.
- It's a small world.
- Yeah, or a big sign.
- They're just not feeding today.
- They will later. It's clouding up.
They say the day you die,
your name is written on a cloud.
- Who says?
- They.