- It amazes me how she missed so often.
- Maybe you were moving.
A dame with a rod is like a guy
with a knitting needle.
- What's he doing here? I called you.
- My partner.
- Should I ask why you didn't call the law?
- Should you?
I guess not.
- Anything happen to her?
- She ran out on me.
- With 40,000 bucks.
- I want her back.
Or the money?
You know, I once bet $40,000 on a horse
that ran dead last, so I bought the horse.
Yeah, that's what I mean.
Oh, you're wrong. I put that horse
in a nice green pasture...
...so he'd never get his foot
caught in a mutuel machine.
You should go out and visit it sometime.
No, I just want her back.
When you see her, you'll understand better.
Maybe she's just an impulsive girl.
- Shall we let it go at that?
- I can let it all go.
An even 5000 now
and 5 when you bring her back.
And expenses.
Now, that should have been
the first thing you said.
- Find her, Jeff. Bring her back.
- Why me?
Well, I know a lot of smart guys
and a few honest ones, and you're both.
What happens to her?
I won't touch her.
Get me the stuff on her family,
pictures, anything interesting.
- You'll get it.
- I'll see you.
You bring it over, Joe.
Come on, let's go.
Oh, by the way, you mind
telling me her name?
- Kathie Moffat.
- Thanks.