Don't be angry.
- I'm not angry.
- Yes, you are.
Why is it when a man gets interested
in his work, or a book, or something...
a woman has to always start
acting like a woman?
Because she doesn't want him
to get lost in anything but her.
Darling, in mathematics
you never, never lose yourself.
In life, very often. In love, always.
But in mathematics, two and two are
always four. And that's wonderful.
Let me show you this.
You see?
It's just a curve.
Well, yes, it's a parabola.
That's something that a mathematician
could fall in love with.
I've been working on that
for over four years.
I started when I was in the army, in Africa.
It's a girder, a molded girder.
The army couldn't use it...
but a construction engineer
would give his right arm for that.
Why don't you love me like that?
I'm much nicer than a girder
and a lot more interesting.
I have no pride,
you didn't know that, did you?
I've never had anything in the whole world
I ever wanted, except you.
I used to be cold, shut in,
I didn't mind because...
nothing hurt me very much then, but...
I just can't go back being on the outside
of people's lives, looking in.
Louise, we're all on the outside
of other people's lives looking in.
You wouldn't like being on the inside
of my life, anyway.
There's nothing there
but a few mathematical equations...
and a lot of question marks.
Darling, I honestly think
we'd better not see each other for a while.
- Why, David, what have I done?
- Nothing.
Knowing you has been wonderful,
but you hang on to me too hard.
Sometimes I get the feeling
that you're choking me to death.