I'm glad you weren't upset by my wife's
rather vivid imagination.
No, I wasn't upset, but I wondered...
I think I should leave.
Under the circumstances,
I think it would be better.
This has happened before, Miss Howell,
many times before.
There's every reason to believe
it will happen again.
My wife is fully convinced
that I spend all my free time...
making advances to her nurses...
or any other female who enters this house.
Your leaving wouldn't change that.
It would, however, deprive me
of your very capable presence.
If you can bring yourself to ignore
these fancies of Mrs. Graham...
I'd like very much to have you stay.
- All right, I'll stay.
- Good, it's settled.
I won't bother you any further
with my troubles.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Leave the rest to me,
Mr. Graham will want his breakfast.
- Any luck?
- Caught two trout.
I thought I'd save some money
and catch my own breakfast. Good idea.
- How long were you out?
- About three hours.
Figuring what your time's worth
those fish cost you $1,000 apiece.
I got cheated on Junior.
He's only worth about $500.
How's Mrs. Graham this morning?
Feeling well enough to come down here
for breakfast.
That's David Sutton.
Hi, Dean.
- Catch anything?
- Enough for breakfast.
- Can I see you a minute?
- Sure.
You're going to talk business,
I'd better go.
Sutton won't mind.
I'd like you to meet him.
Some other time, perhaps.
I have things to do.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- You know each other?
- Yes, sure.
I saw you out fishing.
I thought I'd drop over and say hello.
- How are Pauline and the kids?
- They're fine. What's on your mind?
You remember our little talk
Saturday at the club?
- Vaguely.
- Could we finish it?
Operator, I'm waiting
for that call to Montreal.