They all did it deliberately.
Just to make me feel miserable.
To make me...
like this.
Try and rest a while.
Try not to think of anything.
Do you notice the beginnings
of the persecution complex?
"They did it deliberately. Part of a plan.
Wanted to hurt me."
No attempt to evaluate the situation
or see the man's viewpoint.
No judgment, lack of insight.
Classic symptoms.
- This is where the psychosis began.
- Even further back, Doctor.
She said herself that before she met him,
she'd never felt anything very keenly.
That's lack of emotional response.
I think the exact term she used was,
"I wasn't happy, I wasn't sad."
Typical schizoid detachment,
split personality.
Yes, the seeds were there...
and her obsession for this man
made them grow.
Well, let's go on.
How do you feel?
Do you want to continue?
Don't go to sleep now.
Stay awake and talk to me.
- Would you like to go on?
- Yes.
I'll tell you, I know you can help me.
I know...
- Would you like a glass of water?
- No.
It was black then.
Cold, very cold, and black.