Song of the Thin Man

What do you expect
after the pushing around we gave him?

Maybe you'd like
to patch things up with him.

Wouldn't that be convenient for you and
the dames you've been chasing around?

You've been peeking.
I must have blown my top...
kicking Buddy over
for a road-company Casanova like you.

There you are.
Bandstand too crowded for you?

Maybe you'd like me
to bring the boys out here.

Sorry, bossman.
You mind taking the girlfriend with you?
Brings sunshine into everyone's life,
doesn't he?

Stay out in that sunshine long enough,
you get a third-degree burn.

Where are you going?
I can't stand that oily kisser of yours
too long without another drink.

- Sit down.
- What do you mean?

I said, sit down.
Boys, you'd better get on there.
Hurry up. Come on.

Buddy, darling.
Get him up. He's not hurt.
Get him out of here. He's all right.

You didn't have to hit him.
I should have let him
crease my scalp with that clarinet.

He's beat. He couldn't lift it that high.
- What did you expect me to do?
- Just what you did.

- He's through. Get him out.
- Wait a minute.

I don't want any part of him. Get him out.
What goes on here?
Trying to turn this boat
into a fishing barge?

Relax. The band is my business.
On this boat, it's my business.
If that's the way you want it...
when I finish here tonight,
we'll wash up for good.

I don't like fast shuffles, Tommy.
Here's a card right off the top of the deck:
Mitch Talbin's booked a tour
of dance halls for me.

I can make more money with him
in 30 weeks than with you in 30 years.

You see,
your publicity man did a good job on me.

That awful smell around here
must be your gratitude.

Remind me to look that word up.
- I'll be in your office later for my dough.
- "Dough"?

Remind me to look that word up.
I need that money. The bookies
are putting the squeeze on me.

If I'm left holding the bag,
I'll hold everything that's in it.
