A Foreign Affair

You got quite a sight coming.
Looks like chicken innards at frying time.

Considering the taxpayers' money
poured on it,

I don't expect it to look like a lace Valentine.
Well, that's rough doing.
That sure is rough doing.

They ought to put in grass
and move in a herd of longhorn.

Build up their industries.
Get those smokestacks belching again.

- Not without organised labour.
- We got to feed the people.

You can't keep a country
eating scraps out of garbage pails.

I'm all for sending food,
only let 'em know where it's from.

I object to dollar diplomacy.
- But you don't mind sending food.
- There's a difference.

If you give a hungry man bread,
that's democracy.

If you leave the wrapper on, it's imperialism.
Gentlemen, these are
very grave problems indeed

but they don't happen to be
the problems of this committee.

Perhaps I should remind you
why we were sent to Berlin,

since our chairman,
Mr Pennecot of New Hampshire,

has been indisposed ever since
we took off from Washington.

We're here to investigate the morale
of American occupation troops,

nothing else.
12,000 of our boys are policing
that pest hole down below

and according to reports, they are being
infected by a kind of moral malaria.

It is our duty to their wives, their mothers,
their sisters, to find the facts.

And if these reports are true,
to fumigate that place with
all the insecticides at our disposal.
