Don't these boys ever get home?
Can't they be given a short leave?
- Certainly, if it's accrued.
- I don't want any leave.
- You don't?
- Oh, of course I do. Dying to.
We're all homesick
but personal feelings don't matter.
There's unfinished business here.
Now that we've won the war,
we mustn't lose the peace.
I hate to think of anybody
sitting in his lonely barracks
with a birthday cake on his knees.
I won't have the cake on my knees.
I won't be alone.
There'll be my buddies. I'll call them in.
We'll open up a case of root beer,
light the candles,
then Frankovitch and his ukulele.
Some old songs.
Why, it'll be like back home... almost.
Good to hear you talk like that.
General Finney wants you to go in his car.
I'll be right with you.
If you're a sample of the spirit
prevailing in Berlin, I feel better already.
- I'm a sample, all right.
- Goodbye.
You're losing something, Captain Pringle.
My handkerchief.
You blow your nose in nylon nowadays?
What do you know? There must have
been a mistake at the laundry.
We got a crazy old laundress.
You know what happened to Frankovitch?
He sent out his shorts and got back a girdle.
Ask her how much.
800 cigarettes, or coffee.