The word got out it was Hitler
who threw the match.
They used to say it's the first time in history
a man gave himself the hotfoot.
The Brandenburg Gate, an arch of triumph
until they got out of the habit.
That rubble heap over there
was the American embassy.
You can't tell now but this spot
was once the heart of Europe.
The street is the famous Unter den Linden,
named after the linden trees,
which they've replanted now.
That pile of stone over there
was the Adlon Hotel,
just after the 8th Air Force
checked in for the weekend.
Now, let's look at the Wilhelmstraße.
Here's the Reich Chancellery where
the Führer fixed himself up a duplex.
As it turned out, one part got to be a big
padded cell and the other a mortuary.
Underneath is a concrete basement,
where he married Eva Braun
and where they killed themselves.
A lot of people say it was
the perfect honeymoon.
Over there is the balcony where he bet
his Reich would last a thousand years.
That's the one that broke
the bookies' hearts.
This is the Tiergarten,
used to be the Central Park of Berlin.
Those two big cement things are
the zoo bunkers, enormous pillboxes.
They were the last two buildings
in Berlin to surrender.
I thought you'd be interested
in a typical Berlin residential area.
If you look hard,
you'll see the houses are empty shells,
completely burned out by incendiaries.
Life goes on in those ruins, though.