- It was?
- Stolen and sold on the black market.
They'll steal anything around here.
- When I think of that girl back in Iowa...
- Yeah.
I'll take care of this. Don't trouble yourself.
Thank you. Will you also take care
of a pair of disgusting soldiers
who should be stood up against a wall and...
I want you to find them.
They're medium height. One is a little taller.
Their names are Mike and Joe and
they're in uniforms with US on the collar.
Perfect sense, ma'am.
Now, what exactly is
the name of this sewer?
- The Lorelei.
- Address?
- Number 15, Hagenbachstraße.
- Are there other sewers like this?
- Three or four but this is the best.
- What is the name of that woman?
- What woman?
- The singer here.
Oh, the singer. I think it's Erika.
- Erika what?
- Erika von Schlütow.
Why do you ask about her?
Because there's something funny going on
here and I'm not in the mood for laughs.
Schlütow? How do you spell it?
Schlütow, with an umlaut.
I thought so.
I want you to remember
that when we moved into Germany,
we found a country of
open graves and closed hearts.
We've tried to turn it into a civilised state.
We had to eliminate things
that breed unrest and aggression.
We've tried to make them free men
and give them some dignity.
We had to return four million
displaced persons to their homes.
That's hard if you don't have
a home to start with.
We had to repair hospitals
and public utilities.
I remember the first day the gasworks
started operating again.
There were 160 suicides in Berlin alone.
That was ten months ago.
Today, they take a match and light
the gas and boil some potatoes.
Not many potatoes, mind you.
There is still a lot of hunger.
But there is a new will to live.
We had to build schools and find teachers
and then teach the teachers.
We helped them start a free press
and institute a parliamentary government.
They had their first free election in 14 years.