A Foreign Affair

It had been so long
they didn't know what to do.

It was like handing
the village drunk a glass of water.

What I want to point out is that
it's a tough, thankless, lonely job.

We're trying to lick it as well as we can.
You might as well know,
some of us get out of line occasionally.

But remember this.
For the first time in history,

you are asking the same generation of
soldiers to be both valorous and wise.

- Mighty fine.
- Well said.

I sure hope our chairman has
made notes of that speech of yours.

I think it should be
incorporated in our report.

Colonel, we buy every word of it, all of us.
I don't.
I wouldn't think of buying it. I'm surprised
at my colleagues' low sales resistance.

Miss Frost, this attitude calls
for some explanation.

Colonel Plummer, in your eloquent speech,
which I'm sure you've made 50 times,
you used the phrase "Some of our boys
may get out of line sometimes."

That is a masterpiece of understatement.
What are you driving at?
In your effort to civilise this country,
our boys are becoming barbarians.

- I explained on that tour...
- I know all about those tours.

You put blinkers on us and make sure
we only see what you want us to see.

Then you give us pamphlets,
statistics, a rousing speech

and ship us back a little more
bamboozled than when we came.

We could have learned
as much from Reader's Digest.

- This is very embarrassing, Colonel.
- Go on, Miss Frost.

Well, I don't like blinkers.
I look in all directions

and when I suspect dirt's been swept
under a carpet, I turn up that carpet.

- What carpet? What dirt?
- What dirt?

- One day and this is filled with it.
- Please particularise.

Gls consorting with German Fräuleins...
Fraternisation is legal.
...in wide-open, shameless,
black-market nightclubs.

So we close them and our boys sneak off
to places in the Russian sector,

or the British, or in the French,
and there's another thing.

This is off the record.
Those places attract a lot of scum

and we clean it up by cracking down
with a surprise raid once in a while.
