- No Erika.
- No Erika.
Told you so. Gone to Nürnberg.
Gone to Nürnberg.
I'll take you back to your billet.
Erika von Schlütow.
- Yes?
- It's under von.
Oh, no.
Like O'Brien. You wouldn't
look under B, you'd look under O.
- All right, let's look under O.
- Under V.
- V as in vindictive.
- What was that, Captain?
I pity anybody who has you on his trail.
You pity a man who's consorting
with a notorious Nazi?
Von Resnicek, von Reudesheim...
Did it occur to you there might be
extenuating circumstances?
I expect any man in his country's uniform...
Oh, that one.
You expect him to be an ambassador.
A salesman of goodwill. You want him
to stand on the blackened rubble
of what used to be the corner of a street
with a sample case of assorted freedoms,
waving the flag and the Bill of Rights.
That's not the way it works.
Suppose you stop and ask yourself
how come he skidded of the road?
- I'll tell you how. No moral brakes.
- That's it, going too fast.
During the war, he couldn't go fast enough.
"Get on that beachhead, through the
tank traps, across the Rhine. Step on it."
Faster, 100 miles an hour,
24 hours a day through burning towns.
Then one day the war is over.
You expect him to jam on those brakes
and stop like that.
Everybody can't stop like that!
Sometimes you skid, sometimes you go
into a spin and smash into a tree
and bash your fenders and scrape those
fine ideals you brought from home.
It's time such wrecks
were hauled into a garage.
- Anyone who forgets he's American...
- Don't forget he's also human.
What would you know about that?
Von Schlegel, von Schlittenheim...
The loneliness is stored up right down
to his boots and it's driving him crazy.
One day a pair of
open-toed shoes come along.
You want him to ask questions?
Party affiliation? Social Security number?
Yes, I want him to make sure
he's not doing something subversive.
Are you qualified to call the pitch on this?
What's your life, anyway?