to know that you're here and around
and I couldn't see you, I'd go crazy.
We've got to be strong.
This business about Dusty, it's not serious.
It's just a college crush.
- I have a dreadful sense of guilt.
- We're not engaged.
I'm not committed in any way.
It would break her heart, the daughter of
the man who swung the 4th Precinct.
No, it won't.
She's a kind of a flighty kid, you know.
She's been engaged to four guys
since I've been gone,
one of them a feed and grain merchant.
Think what a good provider he'd make.
Oh, John...
I don't even know your first name,
Congresswoman darling.
- Phoebe.
- Phoebe.
Isn't that ridiculous?
Not a bit ridiculous.
How about a good-night kiss, Phoebe?
Good night.
Good morning.
Good evening.
Good gracious.
The problem is how to stop
all this physical human contact...
We just ought to put our foot down
and put it down hard.
- Why, Miss Frost.
- Where have you been?
- We've been worried.
- Won't you join us?
- Miss Frost?
- Miss Frost?