A Foreign Affair

- I didn't know you were that deep in.
- What deep? How deep?

Why didn't you tell me
you and Birgel were like that?

- He's dead.
- Having your hand kissed by Hitler.

I hope you had it sterilised.
Looked as if he had rat poison
in that moustache.

Don't talk like that.
Why not?
How much of a Nazi were you, anyway?

Johnny, what does it matter,
a woman's politics?

Women pick out whatever's in fashion
and change it like a spring hat.

Yeah. Last year it was
a little number with a swastika on it.

This year it's ostrich feathers,
red, white and blue.

Next year a hammer, maybe, and a sickle.
Oh, Johnny, we must not say
mean words to each other.

When you say you are engaged,
that is only until her plane leaves, huh?

What else?
- I love you so very much.
- You do?

You're the only man I ever wanted to marry.
That's mighty white of you.
I want to go with you to America.
I want to climb up the Statue of Liberty.

You want to get down
that basement at Fort Knox.

I want to be where you are.
Yeah, I can just imagine you
in Iowa in blue jeans,

going on a hay ride to the old mill.
I would love that.
Mmm, gently, baby, it's Mother's Day.
Cut it out, you blonde flamethrower.
Cut it out, I said.
Did you ever kiss the Congresswoman?
Sure I did.
- Did she kiss you?
- What kind of a question is that?

It's a very important question. What
do you do when you're alone together?

Oh... we sit, hold hands...
whistle Shine On Harvest Moon.
- What's so funny?
- You hold hands?
