- We're waiting for you.
- Dinner, Miss Frost.
- Did you call me?
- It's a quarter of eight.
We're going to the officers' mess for dinner.
I was sort of planning on a quiet evening.
Don't you feel well, Miss Frost?
I feel fine.
I have a kind of a headache, that's all.
Would you make
my excuses to the colonel?
- Sure will.
- Shall we bring you a sandwich maybe?
Cheese? Chicken? Ham?
Anything. Thank you very much.
Good evening, gentlemen.
Maybe we shouldn't leave her alone.
Maybe we should take her temperature.
Quite a lot of typhoid fever in Berlin.
Oh, good evening. I came to see Miss Frost.
Go on in. We're going out.
One might suspect
Cupid had a hand in this.
If we didn't know Miss Frost.
You can't shoot an arrow through steel.
Phoebe... Phoebe!
Coming, John.
- Do I look all right?
- Where did you get it?
- At the Brandenburg Gate.
- The black market? You didn't.
Well, I did. All I wanted was a lipstick
and something for my eyebrows
but a woman had this over
the handlebars of her bicycle
and I gave her my typewriter for it.
The shoes were six extra typewriter ribbons.
- Phoebe, for the love of Mike.
- Don't scold me.
I know I shouldn't have but I simply had to.
This is our last evening and I wanted
to look so pretty and I look just awful.