Since that committee arrived,
you've been playing a double bill
with the lady from Iowa in the upper half.
I'd appreciate it
if you leave her out of this, sir.
You would?
Pressure has been exerted to have you
go back to the United States for a while.
- So I've heard.
- You're not going of course.
Of course. When do proceedings start, sir?
Captain Pringle, you're to stay away
from that certain party, off limits.
Suits me fine. It was all washed up
anyway as far as I'm concerned.
Let's get this straight. You're to stay
away from the Congresswoman.
Pick up that torch for
Fräulein von Schlütow,
light it again and carry it in public,
that's an order.
- Well, how do you do.
- You've heard of Hans Otto Birgel?
- That was her guy.
- He's hiding out in the American zone.
- He's dead.
- He's very much alive.
And thanks to you, he's kicking.
We had a hunch about him
so we watched Miss von Schlütow.
Here are three letters we intercepted.
Someone tipped him off that his girl
has been seeing an American officer.
He's a jealous rat. He says he's going
to come out and kill you both.
- That's cute.
- Now, go on back and fan those flames.
Stick around the Fräulein until he shows.
I wish I'd never crossed
the Remagen Bridge.
Sorry, son, that's the way it reads.
OK, I'm going.
Only I think I'll have that coffee first.
Never mind the cup.
Just give me a spoonful of the powder.
- Do you have your passport with you?
- No.
You just tell them who you are
and they check with the army officials.