So we followed her all day
until the five o'clock shadow showed.
- Sure enough, she was Hermann.
- Well, doggone.
You sure spin some tall tales.
Yeah, well, how about this?
Hans Otto Birgel.
Big Gestapo man hiding out underground.
The only lead we have is that
he's still crazy about a former lady friend,
a nightclub singer
somewhere in the American sector.
Herr Birgel suspects she's two-timing him
so he crawls out of his hole.
Only he doesn't crawl fast enough.
So we play it up a little
with the help of an American officer.
A captain, to be exact.
Make a fancy story in
a Sunday supplement someday.
- The Love Commando.
- Ha.
Here's their angle. The Captain
isn't very keen for the assignment,
having fallen for
somebody else in the meantime.
You know how they cook it up
with a lot of marshmallow on top.
Then the story of how
they got the poison into Göring's cell.
There were two scrub women...
Sorry, sir. The car has to pull in.
Keeping the street open for the ambulance.
- What's up?
- Trouble at the Lorelei.
- Birgel showed up. There was shooting.
- Who got it?
- I don't know, sir.
- Excuse me, gentlemen.
Perhaps you'd want
to come along, Miss Frost.