Yes, I know. You were baking a cake.
You loved him? Then, I mean.
I did. Very much.
The lonely nights were
too much for you?
You couldn't go on that way?
That's what Tillie might think.
I loved him. I would
have stuck to him.
But Frank wanted me
to get the divorce.
Did he pick out your new
husband for you too?
It's the truth.
Did you contribute to
the reward money...
...or did Tillie earn
it all by herself?
I couldn't help. I haven't anything.
My husband, Mr. Rayska,
takes care of me and my boy.
Frank's boy. I can't
ask more than that.
He's a good man...
...and he loves me and
he loves the boy.
We're lucky.
Yes, you seem to have come
out of it all right.
Mr. McNeal, I told you
the truth about the divorce.
Frank wanted it.
It's going to be hard to
make people believe it.
'Frank's wife says he's innocent...
...and she showed her faith
by divorcing him'.
That's just the way it was.
I went up to see him that day...
...wanting to make him
keep up hope...
...wanting to cheer him up.
He looked depressed...
...the way you do when you're
terribly worried.
How've you been?
How've you been?
How's Ma?
And the boy?
How's the boy?
He's fine.
Always fine.