Kelly, did you see this item
about the warehouse fire?
Might be a fire-bug or an arson ring.
Think there's something in it?
- Maybe.
Go after it.
Is that an assignment?
- Okay.
...I know there's nothing
more to the Wiecek case.
It's all washed up, but before you
tackle that warehouse yarn...
The Warden call me this morning.
Wiecek wants to see you again.
For what?
I don't know, maybe
he wants to confess.
But I was just up there. Don't I
get time off for good behaviour?
Wiecek's been in there
for eleven years, Mac.
And that cop's been buried
longer than that.
Come on, Wiecek.
Mr. McNeal...
...I sent for you to tell you I
don't want you to write any more...
...about me or my family.
I read what you're written.
I've seen the pictures
of my mother...
...my wife and my boy.
We poured out our hearts
to you unashamed...
You want help, don't you?
It's the only way to get people
interested in the case.
Nobody will read the two line ad
your mother run on the paper.
I had a million people
following the story.
Someone might know the killers
and get in touch with us.