Call Northside 777

I would like to talk to Zaleska.
- Yes, sir.

Tomek, this is McNeal of the Times.
He'd like to talk to you.

Yes, sir.
Would it be stretching the rules too
much if I talked to him alone?

No, go right ahead.
- Thank you.

Are you familiar with the work
the Times is doing for Wiecek?

Yes, sir.
Look, Tomek, we want to clear
up this Bundy case...

:43:04 way or the other.
We don't think Frank
was in it with you.

If you confess and name the man who
was really with you that night...

...the Times will do everything...
:43:15 get you a parole for turning
State's evidence.

The chances are you'll be
out of this place in a few years.

What have you got to lose?
You're in for life now.
Come on, tell us the truth.
I could say I did it...
...and maybe have a chance of
getting out, like you say.

But if I confessed...
...who would I name as my
partner? Joe Doakes?

I couldn't make it stick
for one minute.

That's the trouble with
being innocent.

You don't know what really happened.
