Listen, kid, you take it from me...
...keep away from Keeler
and that lie detector.
I'm not afraid of it.
That's what I said.
I had the cops,
the State's Attorney...
...even my own lawyer believing me.
I was a cinch.
Then they talked me into going
up against that box.
What happened?
- What did you mean, what happened?
I'm doing life, ain't I?
Well, the only thing
the machine is for...
...is to record the emotional
reactions of an individual.
We place the blood pressure cuff...
...about the upper arm
of the subject...
...and through the impulses
to the tambour system...
...record the variations of blood
pressure and pulse on this stylus.
Then the pneumograph is fastened
about the subject's chest...
...and we record the changes
in the respiration.
The electrodes fasten on the palm
and the back of the hand to...
...record changes in the electrical
conductivity of the skin.
It's a very sensitive criteria for
emotional reaction, emotionality.
Mr. Keeler's all ready
for you, Frank.
Sit down, Frank.
Just take it easy, relax.
I'll do the best I can, Mr. Keeler.
Hello, Mac.
What are you doing here?
I was driving out to Decatur
to see my brother...
...so I thought I'd stop by.
I've never seen a lie test before.
Decatur's out the other way.
I took the detour.
- The long way around.
- Yes.
These are a pair of electrodes.