Cry of the City

-Yes, Lieutenant.

ls this your ring?
-Yeah, that's mine.

You got the rest of my stuff?.
-Where did you get it?

How about it? Where did you get it?
l don't know. Crape game
2 or 3 months ago.

lt's all right.
l do well with the dice.
Who from?
Blond Fellow.
With the droopy eyes.
Leggett! Whitey Leggett.
You know we have Leggett
on the Grazia Case.

Who else was in the game?
l don't know.
Tommy Mills, maybe.
-Tommy Mills is dead.

What do you ask me
all this stuff for?

l win a ring, so what's
the difference?

Come in, nurse.
We'll only be a minute.
This ring was stolen
from Mrs. de Grazia.

Not by me.
-With 100,000 dollars more.

Did you read about it?
-We want whoever did it.

They tortured the old lady
until they found the stuff.

Then they strangled her.
Not very pretty.
You got Leggett, go talk to him.
We will,...
...but we want to talk to you, too.
l shoot a policeman, he shot at me.
Now l'm going to the chair.
Suppose l say a did it,
so what? l go twice?

l'd nothing to do with it.
Besides, a fellow and
his girl did the job.

So you do read the papers.
You got a smart partner.
l never worked with
a girl in my life.

Talk too much.
What girl was with you when
they brought you in?

Wasn't it a dream? Was she here?
-Yes, Marty.

Who was she?
-l don't know.

l wish l did.
What did she look like?
An angel.
l thought maybe...
...l was dead.
All right, cut it out.
We found the ring on you.
We know that the girl was here.
