Easter Parade

- Happy Easter, Essie.
- Oh, Mr. Hewes.

Darling, where are you?
- Don, I've been trying to call you.
- Essie, will you help me, please?

Thank you. Well, I got all tied up
with an Easter rabbit.

Hello, sweetheart.
Oh, I wish you hadn't.
Haven't they come for your trunks?
I told them to pick them up this morning.

- They weren't ready.
- We'll send them by pigeon.

Here, try on your hat.
We have time to walk in the parade
before our train leaves.

I don't wanna take that train.
It's the last one that'll get us
to Chicago in time for our opening.

Look at that.
This hat will wear
the prettiest girl there.

Don, I have to talk to you.
- Take Michelle.
- Come on, short hemline.

I've had an offer for a show.
Well, sure you have. I've had some myself.
Yes, I know.
Listen, baby, we're a team.
We're playing the big time.
See that?

Nadine & Hewes?
That's written in stardust.

They've offered me
a wonderful contract.

They say they'll star me.
And you can dance with anyone.
Well, wait a minute.
I suppose I could.
I've danced with lots of girls.
It's always been just a business.
That was before I met you.
This isn't just dancing. It's...
