but they don't like me, either.
Isn't that true?
They're afraid somebody
will report their son!
Let's go, Gina.
By the way,
I'll give you some old clothes
to make something for the baby.
Thank you.
Why don't you like her?
She's always willing to help out.
I don't believe in others
''helping out.''
These days,
we have to help ourselves.
I understand, my boy.
I'm not a monster!
Keeping you here means a lot
of sacrifices, you know.
Even if I wanted it,
I don't know how you could help me.
Couldn't I get things
for you?
What ''things''?
You know I hate the black market.
I could barter things for you.
That's what
the barter center is for!
They're all cheats. Why don't you
let him sell the scale?
What? My scale?
How am I going to weight myself?
We've done without
more important things, my dear.
You can diet
without the scale.
- One more thing!
- How much should I ask for it?
You tell me.
How much do you think we can get?
- No less than 200 marks.
- Not enough.
I want 300. Nothing less.
I'll be able to buy
300 grams of butter.
Edmund? Sorry.
Dinner is getting cold.
Then I have to go out.
Hurry up.
- Yes, I'll be right there.
- Good evening.
- Miss Rademaker?
- Yes?
- Can you show me the scale?
- Here it is.
Did you hear?
His sister goes out every night too.
She's really shameless.
Now she's acting like Blank.
You shouldn't let these people
get near our daughter.
One of these days
I'll kick them out, the tarts.
What have you got against my sister?
Why are you always mad at us?
You shut up! Get out!
Take the scale and don't come back
without the money, is that clear?
All right, Mr. Rademaker.
I'll be back tomorrow morning.
- Eva?
- What?
Where are you going?
- Out.
- Tell me why you go out.