Would you like to buy
some soap, madam?
- How much is it?
- I'll sell it for 50 marks.
- I want to see it first.
- Come here, to the side.
Here, smell it.
It's American.
- It looks good, but expensive.
- Not expensive. For you, 40 marks.
You scoundrel!
Thief! Thief!
Stop him! Stop him!
Come with me.
See how you get the dupes?
Nobody's here yet.
I told everybody to meet here.
Wait here.
I'll go look for Ali Baba.
- Is he your brother?
- Who? Jo? No.
- You're always together.
- So? What about it?
Wherever he goes,
you're always behind.
And that makes him
my brother? Hey, Jo.
- Hi, little monkey.
- Keep your hands to yourself.
- Snob!
- Beast!
Who does she think she is?
By the way, Franz, I found
another great girl.
I'll introduce you tonight.
Tonight there'll be another train
loaded with potatoes.
Good, we'll get some.
- Where?
- The police will be there.