Mrs. Rademaker, come here!
What is it?
What's happening?
- Help, come here!
- What happened?
- Eva, what's happening?
- Come. My father--
What? What is it?
Come! My father's not moving.
I'm afraid...
I'm afraid he's dead.
The old man is dead.
There is nothing we can do.
- Calm down, Eva.
- In his condition, he couldn't last.
And Karl-Heinz
isn't even at home!
Come with me.
It's better if you don't stay here.
We need to send
for the doctor, at least.
Waste of money.
He doesn't need a doctor anymore.
Only one thing to do.
Arrange for the funeral.
- The casket will cost a fortune.
- Worst case, we'll put him in a bag!
That's terrible. When I die,
I don't want to be buried in a bag.
Don't talk nonsense!
What are you doing here?
Go back to your room!
So what are we doing?
Casket or not?
Let's forget the casket.
Let's move him as soon as possible.
Wouldn't it be better
if we put him on the balcony?
Don't touch him.
He could be contagious.
Contagious? He died of hunger.
Let's go. Let's move him.
Are you coming,
Mr. Rademaker?
- Here I am.
- Okay now, lift.
Go ahead with the candle.
Give us some light.
I'm going!
I thought he'd be heavier.
What did you expect,
with what we eat?
Be strong, Edmund.
What are you doing, Blank?
Aren't you coming?
I'm coming.
- There. It's done.
- What about with his clothes?
The mortician
will take care of it.
Those old pajamas
are worthless anyway.
But he has an undershirt,
and the socks are made of wool.
Is that true?