He Walked by Night

Give me that bar, Frank.
Regular arsenal.
-Yeah, and get a load of that.
-What is it?

l don't know. lt looks like
some kind of an electrical device.

United States Navy.
Either stolen or war surplus.
Send this to the lab and check
the serial number on that Navy equipment.

-Yes, sir.
-Captain Breen.

We found these in the weeds
over by the radio store.

-What have you got?
-A pair of cloth gloves, Captain.

He thought of everything, didn't he?
-Give them to one of the technicians.
-Yes, sir.

Marty, you and Chuck come along with me.
Let's go downtown and see
what they've picked up in the dragnet.

You know him, Marty?
l know his wife, too.
Ever since high school.
Captain, l wish you'd let Chuck and me
handle this case.

All right. But l don't want any dead heroes.
l just want the man who shot Rowlins.
The suspects began to arrive
at headquarters in droves.

The police tossed every motel and hotel
and many private homes...

in a four-square-mile area
around the scene of the shooting.

Every available radio car, patrolman,
and detective was out on the dragnet.

The strings were being drawn
tighter and tighter.

Many a man returning from a date,
a late party, or a poker game...

surprisingly found himself in a squad car...
its sirens screaming as it brought him
to the detective bureau.
