He Walked by Night

Tell him that you sold the set...
and his money's waiting for him here.
Find out what time he's coming by.

Put Mr. Martin on.
Hello, Roy.
Yes, l've sold it.
Your money is waiting here for you.
Yes, l'll be working late tonight.
What time will you be by?

First thing in the morning.
Maybe you should come in tonight.
A couple of things l want cleared up.

Like what?
Technical things.
Besides I don't like to leave the money
in the plant overnight.

How about 8:30?
Fine. l'll see you then.
l'll leave the front door unlocked.

He'll be here at 8:30.
l'll just run along home
and get some dinner.

We'd like you to stay, too, Mr. Reeves.
-For company.

You want to cooperate,
don't you, Mr. Reeves?


You just wait in your office. We'll be around.
Very well. This way, gentlemen.
