He Walked by Night

lf the picture looks anything like his hair,
l want you to speak right up.

All right, the first slide, Lee.
His hair had waves in it, well-groomed.
That's the idea, Miss Smith.
ls that any closer?
No, it was parted on the side.
That's more like it, except it was thicker.
-That's very close.
-Yes, that's the way his forehead looked.

lt was broad and high.
All right, hold that slide.
On the next series of slides,
we'll take into account his eyes.

One minute, please, wait.
His eyes were a little like that.

Maybe a little smaller, like beads.
Go on, Lee.
Now you've got it.
Hold that slide, Lee. Anyone else?
That looks like him, only a little madder.
He had a patch over one eye when he came
into my dive, my place of business.

l remember noticing
the one showing was blue.

The guy who stuck me up
had on horn-rimmed glasses.

He was wearing a Band-Aid across his nose
when he knocked me over.

All right. Hold that, Lee.
So much for the eyes.

Go ahead.
