She ain't done it.
I put it down for her.
You'll have to come back tomorrow.
Where can I get a team weekdays?
I'll have to wait till Saturday.
But if it ain't done then,
I'm going somewheres else.
It'll be ready. I'll make her remember.
How can you expect a dimwit
to use her head?
What's all this? What is it?
Water, ocean.
What's got into you?
I write it all down for you.
Here, it's as plain as the nose on your face.
Oh. Well, I guess I forgot.
Well, I was wondering.
She never makes a mistake.
Did you ever think
of sending her to school?
She's deaf and dumb, man.
There's no teaching her nothing.
Here's the extent of her learning.
I make a sign at the top of each page.
A cross for Pacquet,
a circle for McCormick...
two lines for the McQuiggens and so on.
A mark for each bag.
I put them down when they come in,
she strikes them off when they're ready.
She's learned to identify every man
by his mark.
Must be over 40 names in this book
and she knows every one of them.
So that shows, Mr. MacDonald,
that your daughter is an intelligent girl.
Now, there's a special school
for the deaf at McGill.
Schools cost money...
and money don't grow on trees
in this country.
We're lucky to keep body
and soul together, we farmers.
I couldn't spare her. Thanks.
There's work enough around here as it is.
But she could be taught, I'm sure of it.
What's her name?