No! No, you're wrong.
Who would it be then?
I don't know.
- Tell me his name.
- Hold your temper.
Hold my temper?
What kind of a father do you think I am?
Listen, child, who was it that hurt you?
How do you expect her to tell you?
She doesn't know
what you're talking about.
Keep out of this.
Show me. Show me the man's name.
Who was it? Who was it that hurt you?
She doesn't know! Leave her be.
Don't be a fool, woman.
She's no babe in arms for all she's deaf.
She's trying to shield the man.
Listen, child, show me.
Show me, I tell you.
Do I have to beat it out of you?
Oh, no. No, don't!
Stop it!
You don't know what you're doing!
- Let go of me! I got to find the man!
- Come to your senses!
Even if she could talk,
she couldn't tell you.
You've no right to go on this way.
- No right? I'm her father.
- Then act like a father!
Leave her be. I couldn't help it.
You're the one person that can give her
what she needs most:
help, comfort, and understanding.
What are you trying to do,
drive her insane?
- I couldn't help it. Hard to go on...
- Aggie, come on. Take her to her room.
- Have her get some rest.
- Yes.
Now, Mac, you've got to listen to me.
I understand how you feel
and I don't blame you...
but believe me,
it's blotted out of her mind.
The way you forget a nightmare...
because you don't wanna bring back
that terrible fear.
I've seen it in the war.
It's nature throwing up a barrier
to prevent something worse.
I don't know what you're talking about.
- I've got to find the man.
- What good will that do her?
I'll lay what he done
before the men of the village.
We'll show him what justice is.
And even if you do,
how will that help the girl?
Dragging her into a mess of scandal...
when she doesn't even know
what it's all about.
- It'll crucify her. Is that what you want?
- You know it isn't.
What am I going to do? The shame of it.
Mac, you've got to think of her now,
not of yourself and your pride.
There's only one shame,
failing a human being who needs you.
I'm going up and talk to her now.