It's funny.
How about a drink, everybody?
What'll it be, Miss Temple?
Nothing, thanks.
How about you, Pop?
He's not supposed to drink anything.
That leaves it up to you, pal.
Another time.
Don't you like me?
I'm beginning to think
I got smallpox or something.
Still laughing at that
stinking joke?
Here's another one.
Elevator's busting through a roof.
The elevator boy says
to a couple passengers:
"I told you there was
no 1 1 th floor. "
Explain it for us, Toots.
Wise guy.
What's the idea of them?
They shut the electricity off,
we still have light.
I hear a hurricane blows off roofs
and puts the snatch on people.
And they all fly around
in the sky together. Is that right?
It's raining in on Ben's car.
Better close the windows, Nora.
Ralph, go put up the windows
in that car.
And get caught out in that hurricane?
Not me, brother.
I'll take it.
Don't you answer it.
No, Mr. Temple's not here now.
No, she's not here either.
I'm a guest at the hotel.
No, we haven't seen him.
Give me that phone!
Yes. If Sawyer shows up,
I'll have him call you right back.
Easy does it, soldier.