Your ideas date back years
to the time when America thought. . .
. . .it could get along
without the Johnny Roccos.
Welcome back.
It was all a mistake.
America's sorry for what
it did to you.
On the level, boss,
were you that big?
On the level,
are you that dumb?
Yeah, that's me.
Sure, I was all of those things.
And more!
When Rocco talked,
everybody listened!
What Rocco said, went!
Nobody was as big as Rocco!
It'll be like that again,
only more so!
I'll be back up there one day.
Then you'll really see something!
If the time ever comes
when your kind. . .
. . .can walk a city street
in daylight. . .
. . .with nothing to fear
from the people--
The time has come, Mr. Temple.
It's here.
You know all about me.
Now, what's with you, wise guy?
Well, give.
In the war, weren't you?
-Get any medals?
-A couple.
-Not very.
-Why'd you stick your neck out?
-No good reason.
What are you saying?
I believed some words.
Words? What words?
Well, they went like this:
"But we aren't making all this
sacrifice of human effort and lives. . .
. . .to return to the kind of a world
we had after the last world war.
We're fighting to cleanse
the world of ancient evils.
Ancient ills. "
What's that about?
I remember those words.
That makes two of us.
We rid ourselves of your kind
once and for all!
You ain't coming back!
Who's gonna stop me, old man?
If I wasn't a cripple--
You wouldn't be talking this way.
Right, Pop?