likeJano's donkey.
You know who needs us?
The fish...
so we can haul them out!
The wholesalers need us,
that's who!
So why should we knuckle under?
let's let them
fend for themselves...
and see how they manage
without our help!
"Change old for new, you will rue."
Grandpa, your nice proverbs
don't work anymore.
I'm not crazy.
I've thought this thing out.
I mean no harm.
We weren't born
just to lead a miserable life...
with no hope of anything better...
but to be masters of our own lives!
Your father always worked hard
and never complained.
That's right,
and he drowned at sea...
still working, never complaining.
What thanks did he get
after working so hard for others?
Who thinks of him anymore...
or of all the rest who drowned
at sea while working for others? Who?
'Ntoni is right.
He's thinking along the right lines.
If we worked for ourselves...
it would be for our family,
not theirs...
for our mother and sisters.
Don't think Father
didn't understand these things.
He would have agreed with 'Ntoni.
He didn't want his sons
to be beasts of burden.
You see? It's clear!
We have to unite
against these bloodsuckers!
Tell me what to do, 'Ntoni.
I want to free us
from these thieving rogues.
We'll work for ourselves!
Be on our own!
Our women will help us
salt the fish... our fish!
Then we'll sell it in Catania!
We'd need to buy our own boat.
Where would we get the money?
We have the house.